La Ball Chair : Vision
Our project takes the form of an eye, it is for us a choice that makes sense because Eero Aarnio was a visionary. Indeed, he was ahead of his time on a whole bunch of issues, both ethical by his eco-consciousness that went against the current of his time: the glorious thirties and the rise of a consumerist society, but also on technical aspects by being interested in new materials and knowing how to evolve with the aesthetics of his time. Cut in two, our form can also be similar to a boat hull, which refers to the interest he had in this environment and which certainly allowed him to discover the fiberglass. Moreover, he develops a playful, flashy universe with very often a strong but simple form which invites to take possession of it with creativity and leaves all its place to the user. By choosing this idea of structure, which at the same time a wink to its designer, we also wanted to play, to symbolize on the relation outside / inside that evokes this chair. By creating a relatively minimalist space with some strong bias, the idea was to take into account the fact that this chair carries with it a rich collective imagination, and is associated with a lot of references, cultural images. It was therefore important not to saturate the space but rather to bring back to the object itself that is the chair, to its primary characteristics: here the intimacy and at the same time a global vision to 360, that's also why we chose to center the chair in front of the openings of the structure.